Meet the New Boss in Town at Pasco-Hernando State College!

Meet the New Boss in Town at Pasco-Hernando State College!

Meet Dr. Jesse Pisors, the new president at Pasco-Hernando State College, bringing a rich legacy of educational excellence and a vision for an inclusive future.

Hey everyone!

Big news just dropped in the educational sphere; we are here to bring it straight to you. 

Let us talk about the fresh face taking the lead at Pasco-Hernando State College – Dr. Jesse Pisors! 

The college shared this exciting news this Tuesday, introducing Dr. Pisors as their new president.

Who is Dr. Jesse Pisors, You Ask?

Well, Dr. Pisors is familiar with playing significant roles in big universities. Before saying yes to this new opportunity, he had been a vice president at two renowned places – Texas A&M University-San Antonio and the University of Houston-Victoria. That is pretty impressive.

He was in the running for this position against three other fantastic people, including Eric Hall, who has done some pretty cool stuff in the education department in Florida.

Dr. Pisors – A Man with a Plan

Now, coming to the juicy details – what makes Dr. Pisors the man for the job? For starters, he has a doctorate in education from Texas Tech University and can speak Spanish fluently! He has not just read and learned; he has taught courses in U.S. history and public speaking. He was talking about being multi-talented!

What caught our eye is his strong belief in including everyone. At his previous job at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, most students were Hispanic, and more than half were the first in their families to attend college. Dr. Pisors values making education accessible for everyone, which is super important.

What the College Has to Say

Lee Maggard, who heads the college’s group of trustees, seems happy and confident having Dr. Pisors onboard. He believes Dr. Pisors is the right person to keep the college’s values high and guide it to do even better in the future. It is always good to have a leader who gets a thumbs-up from the folks at the top.

How Did Dr. Pisors Get Picked?

You will not believe the effort put in to find the perfect president! A team of 18 people had the tough job of reviewing over 100 applications and chatting with 13 potential candidates. It sounds like a season of a reality show.

What is Next for Pasco-Hernando State College?

So, what can students and faculty expect with Dr. Pisors taking charge? Much good stuff, we hope! With his rich background and big plans, exciting times await everyone at Pasco-Hernando State College.

We bet Dr. Pisors will bring fresh and vibrant energy to the college, helping students to learn and grow in the best way possible.

In Conclusion

A bright future is on the horizon for Pasco-Hernando State College with Dr. Pisors at the helm. We cannot wait to see all the fantastic things he will accomplish there!

What do you think about this appointment? 

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